【Swimming and Sensory Sensitivities】Finding Alternatives to Earmuffs in the Pool

Geneがプールでイヤーマフ(イヤーバンディド)をつけて泳いでいる / Gene swimming with Ear Band-It earplugs in the pool

Gene Loves Swimming! But…

Gene absolutely loves swimming! 🏊✨
But because he loves it so much, following the rules can be quite challenging.

  • Running along the poolside
  • Jumping in suddenly
  • Not waiting in line for the slide
  • Not understanding break times and having meltdowns 💦

So taking him to a regular pool can be quite difficult.
However, having swimming classes at school or in a structured environment is a lifesaver! With teachers and coaches there to support him, he can enjoy swimming safely.

Struggles with Certain Sounds – Are Earmuffs Needed in the Pool?

Gene isn’t necessarily sensitive to loud noise or busy environments.

But he is especially sensitive to certain sounds:

  • Other children crying
  • High-pitched voices
  • The sound of another child having a meltdown

At home or at daycare, he doesn’t need earmuffs.

But at school or in specialized swimming lessons, they are absolutely necessary!

At school, he was able to keep his earmuffs on during pool time and had a blast! However, since they weren’t waterproof, drying them after every session was a hassle.

So we started looking for alternatives that could work in the pool.

Testing Different Options to Protect His Ears in the Water

We tried different alternatives to replace his usual earmuffs.

ItemGene’s ReactionProsCons
Waterproof Earplugs❌ RejectedFully waterproofScary to insert into the ears
Swim Cap Covering the Ears❌ Didn’t like itCovers earsFelt too tight
Ear BAND IT⭕ Comfortable!Covered the ears nicelyOutgrew the size…

In the end, Ear BAND IT worked best!

The Perfect Combination: Swim Cap + Ear BAND IT + Goggles!

Swim cap + ear band it + goggles = the perfect combination! 👌✨

At school, he even wore earmuffs over this setup until third grade!
But by fourth grade, he no longer needed them.

Maybe as he grows, his sensory experience is also changing.

Then Suddenly, He Started Taking Off Ear BAND IT

At some point, Gene started removing the Ear BAND IT during his swimming lessons.

We’re not sure why, but possible reasons include:

  • They got too tight as he grew?
  • It was just a random day where he didn’t like them?
  • Something else was bothering him?

We’re currently searching for a bigger size Ear BAND IT, but they’re hard to find.
Gene has a larger head and thick hair, so sizing is always tricky.

His Current Swimming Style 🏊

Right now, he swims on his back while covering his ears with his hands!

It seems like he’s finding his own way to manage sound sensitivity while enjoying the water.

Summary: Finding the Best Solution for Sensory Sensitivities in the Pool

Swimming is fun, but since traditional earmuffs can’t be used in water, alternative solutions are needed!

Ear BAND IT worked best for Gene!
But as he grows, the right size changes!
Finding the most comfortable solution takes trial and error.

We’ll keep exploring ways to help Gene enjoy swimming while protecting his ears! 😊✨

📌 Want to check out the Ear Band It GENE uses?
🔗 Amazonでチェック
🔗 楽天でチェック

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Hi, I'm Tiny! 😊
Navigating life with my son Gene, who has severe intellectual disability and non-speaking autism.
We use visual supports every day, figuring things out as we go!
Sharing our real experiences in special needs parenting.



