NonspeakingAutism– tag –
The 10-Year Battle: Gene and Sleepless Nights
"The sleepless nights during infancy won’t last forever."That’s what they told me. And yet… here we are, 10 years later. Sure, the breastfeeding stage ended quickly.But the sleepless nights? Still going strong. If he could just... -
【Swimming and Sensory Sensitivities】Finding Alternatives to Earmuffs in the Pool
Gene Loves Swimming! But… Gene absolutely loves swimming! 🏊✨But because he loves it so much, following the rules can be quite challenging. Running along the poolside Jumping in suddenly Not waiting in line for the slide Not understandi... -
【Experience】How Noise-Canceling Earmuffs Changed My Autistic Son’s World
The Day Earmuffs Were Recommended When GENE started first grade at a special education school, his teacher said something that caught my attention: "GENE might feel more comfortable with earmuffs." Earmuffs? I had seen some kids wearing ... -
He said “Lend me!”
At daycare, the older girls kept telling him: “If you want to use something, say ‘Lend me!’” GENE usually doesn’t listen much to the staff, but for some reason, he listens to the older girls. And after hearing it over and over again… Fin... -
The Day He First Said “Mama”
The Day He First Said "Mama" When he was born, I casually thought, "He'll start talking in a year, just like other kids." But that day never came. And just like that, ten years passed. A small dream of mine was to be called "Mama" in a s... -
📸 “Mom, Onion Please.” … And Then, a Photo?
GENE has learned to make requests using picture cards. A huge milestone. Or so I thought. Since I took a picture the first time, he now seems convinced that “request → photo” is an unbreakable rule. He hands me the card, points at my pho...